Human Cargo 0.97 CG Artwork Guide (SPOILERS)


With Human Cargo 0.97, a few CGs have been added to the gallery. Here's an updated CG Artwork Guide.


  1. Trailer - This will always be unlocked when a game isn't in progress
  2. Cygnus Colony
  3. Cargo Freighter BARAKAI
  4. BARAKAI Interior Diagram
  5. Yoshi Fantasizes
  6. The BARAKAI is Surrounded
  7. Holo Simulation – Sargas
  8. Border Station
  9. Phestur's Demise
  10. The BARAKAI arrives at Cygnus
  11. Kol Initiates a Ritual (NEW in 0.96)
  12. Kol Showers With Yoshi (NEW in 0.97)
  13. Kol and Yoshi in Bed
  14. Razix's Gift (NEW in 0.97)
  15. Razix and Yoshi in Bed #1
  16. Razix and Yoshi in Bed #2
  17. Zaurian Anatomy - Male
  18. Zed and Yoshi in Bed #1
  19. Zed and Yoshi's Big Day (NEW in 0.97)
  20. Zed and Yoshi in Bed #2
  21. Nasir and Yoshi in Bed (No Kink)
  22. Nasir and Yoshi in Bed (Kink)
  23. Doc and Yoshi in Bed #1
  24. Doc and Yoshi in Bed #2
  25. Yoshi In The Middle
  26. Yoshi is Phestur's Slave
  27. Yoshi's Untimely Demise

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Help, I'm in trouble, I can't get 15, 21, 25 and 27

Does anyone know how to get 17? I'm on 1.0

(2 edits) (+1)

Does anyone know how to get 18 & 19?  I'm on 1.0

Hii! I know I'm like suuuuper late, but I absolutely love the game. Unfortunately I wasnt able to get 2 of the artworks and they're not on the list from 0.97 as far as I can tell. I'm missing the one after "Zed and Yoshi in Bed #2" but before "Nasir & Yoshi in Bed (no kink)" and also another one between "Nasir and Yoshi in Bed (kink)" and "Doc and Yoshi in Bed #1".

I've been trying so long now, please someone tell me how to get those 2 artworks...

I also have a missing pic between what are supposed to be numbers 20 & 21 and that doesn't look listed here.... Help please?

i can tell you about the one in the middle of nasir (kink) and yoshi and doc in bed #1. its quite simple to obtain actually, on chapter 8 you just had to follow the route (like the one after ur injured and phesteur's dead). pretty sure after the breakfast, you and doc was about to spend time together at the viewing deck and yall caught razix on the act so doc bring you to the lab instead then turned on a projector. and that's pretty much it. the illustration popped up on its own. happy trying :3

how to get number 13?  sounds easy enough and they have been in bed but did not get thatbone

err. that one.  but bone kinda fits I guess, lol


Does anyone know how I get Yoshi's demise??

do Kol's rout but choose all the wrong options, and when Nasir asks if you even want to fuck him say no 

Well,how to get Kol Initiates a Ritual?

It's in Chapter 5, when Razix starts to flirt with you on the bridge and Kol interrupts him, asking for coffe. Then you two go to the galley and you get the option of playing coy or squeeze Kol's arm.

Literally do either and he will get you in a headlock, bending his head down to your nexk, showing his teeth. That's the CG you'll get to see, and that's "Initiating a mating ritual" in his culture. 

You don't really need to make any special choices, I think, during Kol's route to get this CG.

But if you have a missing CG for Kol, maybe it's the one, where you're going down on him in the shower? You get that one after getting stabbed, then saved by Doc, then taking a shower in one of the Med Bay showers, when Kol asks you if you have room for one more. Here, just say "Yes, please!" and you'll get that one.

Also, you probably won't need this, because you posted this comment a while back XD But just in case it helps!

(1 edit)

FINALLY GOT ALL OF THE ENDINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Edit-i mean i got all of the illustrated cutscenes)

quick question... Will there be any future updates with new photos?

actually i can't get the artworks in the scenes only background with text when i'm playing the scene :c i only have the kol arc in the gallery :cc

I still can't get the cg 17.Zaurian Anatomy - Male I've tried everything to get it

Do you still need help? I just now got it myself and can give a hand if you're still playing the game, haha

Yes,If you could help me It would be apreciated

(2 edits) (+1)

Nooooooice. So. Obviously you only get this on Zed's route.

(Sorry, this is really long, didn't mean to make you an essay to read through XD It just sorta happened.)

When you play the game, don't play shy. What I mean, is at the very start of the game? Stand up against the shitty step dad. Flirt with the purple guy. When you're on the ship and are trying to escape, dash into that airlock and get yourself some food when you're on ship. Tell Zed "Screw Clarence". Don't hesitate when Zed tells you what to do... That's what I mean.

This personality type will triger an option, which you otherwise don't get in chapter 4. This is the situation that triggers the image for no.17.

In the scene where, after you do what Zed says without hesitating and go to the kitchen to fix the... auto-cook thingy, you guys will have a meal.

(There's an option here to help him out or point to the mess, but it won't really make a difference if you've been playing the aggressive personality. Can choose whichever you want.) 

You guys will go to the showers after, which is WHERE you get the options to "Don't look!" or

"Take a peak..."

Take that goddamn peak.

Next, is where you actually get the image. This is still chapter 4, but you've now had a chat with the crew over dinner and have been bid goodnight by Zed in the Galley, after which you can wonder the ship.

Here, don't go to bed right away, you need to head over to the MED part of the ship. There, you will just automatically triger the image when looking through something.

I've finished Zed's route twice but I still have no clue how to get 18 and 19 ;((. Can anyone tell me how?

Deleted 2 years ago

Hello! I am playing the .98 version, but I still can't unlock number 17, I feel like I've gone through all possible dialogue combos, but it still didn't give me the option to peek

That one is found if you're curious about Zed's anatomy.


When you're in the bathroom with Zed, you need to peek at him. Later when exploring the ship, if you go to the med bay, you'll find Doc's computer has a biology book running.


I've managed to unlock all of the CGs, except the 25ft one. I can't find a way to do it. 

(2 edits) (+2)

i just got 25 so when you do kol story ark and its the scene where yohsio get coffee for the cap and nas is in there you have to say no to having sex in the shower with the cap then click the option i odnt know then say i like both of you and in the last scene where he wants yoshiro to see the compad he has nas with him and you guys do a threesume 

For some weird reason  I haven't been able to get 15 and 16, but I managed to get 14. Am I doing something wrong?

You have to have oral sex earlier with Razix (I believe in Chapter 5), and then have sex with him in Chapter 6. That will get you #16 in Chapter 10. If you did this and also told Razix you loved him earlier, then you'll have the option to top him and that will get you #15.

Deleted 303 days ago
(1 edit)

Yoshi in the middle? It doesn't say new.... I feel like I missed something massive a while ago and now must do everything in my power to find it.

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