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(1 edit)

I really loved Zed's route. Thank you so much for creating this game! <3

PS: An idea of when the route for Doc will be available?

I’m on track to have Doc ready at the end of September/beginning of October!


Hey, sorry if it's a bit weird that I'm commenting again but I've literally become a superfan of you, the game and all the characters (especially Zed). I'm probably going to open a fan blog and I'm definitely going to try and draw fanart.

I wanted to ask if you have a business email or a way to contact you because I found some spelling and grammar mistakes, and a sprite mishap that I noted down while re-playing the game for the 3rd time (Zed's route). I still need to play the other routes to potentially find more but I really want to help in all ways I can because I'm not able to donate and I seriously love this game and its characters to death, like I'm not even joking.

You can email me at robcub32 at with any bugs you find 😊


I'm just here to share my love of Kol in a world filled with Zed lovers :P This vn is definitely one of my favourites to have played, and every single route was enjoyable from start to finish! Look forward to further updates and getting to play Doc's route (hopefully haha).

Kudos to the entire team behind this, you guys did an amazing job with everything! <3

Awesome! I love Kol, too 😊

Had to make a donation— and do you have a Patreon?? Supporting gay art and stories are important but WOW this had me tearing up. Beautiful stories. Keep making art; the gay community needs you.

Thank you so much! Your donation is helping me add all the great CGs to the game 😊 

I do have a Patreon set up, its


I literally registered an account to say how much your game has touched me and won't be getting out of my mind any time soon. Putting all sexual things aside, I've never felt so attached and 'loved' by so many characters and none of the characters, story or conversations felt fake. They felt real. I've literally spent the whole day playing the game and I think I'm going to replay it again and again. I've played a lot of similar games, visual novels and such, and this game has got me wishing that these characters were real and I could be with them. All of you on the team who developed the characters, wrote the conversations/story, drew the amazing backgrounds that are so detailed and the actual characters themselves, coded everything you have literally outdone yourselves. I'm extremely lonely, struggling with mental health and been feeling really hopeless about my future love life and friends after 4 heartbreaks and ending so many friendships, not having people who care about me on a deep level at all unlike Zed did, who's my favourite of them all. But I love all of them. I fucking wish I could donate because I support you 100%, and I will definitely be following as you continue updating the game, but I'm not able to until in the farther future.

To the whole team, from all departments. You took me on a journey, created a really good story and villain, created and drew these amazingly hot guys and their unique and precious personalities, made me have a lot of 'fun', made me feel like I belong somewhere... and more importantly made me feel genuinely loved and protected like Zed did. Thank you so much..


Thank you so much for taking the time to write. Your kind, heartfelt words are worth more than any donation. 

I will pass on your message to the rest of the people who worked on the game. I'm sure they'll be as touched as I am.

Thank you!

Rob ❤

This is so heart-touching T.T Your comment is really cool, it touched me also. Zed is the cutest wolf doggo uwu. I still remember this game and the crew)))

i learned that these games are fitting for my channel

Thanks for playing the game! 😊


This is amazing, the story , the music , the characters , im so fall in love with Zed e.e Love all of this game.


Thank you so much!!


Will Doc be on the next one, cause i really hope so


Yes, I'm working on writing Doc now 😊

I think, for me personally, Doc is going to be my favorite! And I can't wait for his story!


Hello :) i wanted to ask, if you could make a "bonus button" in Biography cards, where we could see preview of diffrent "outfits" of characters that we have unlocked (like underwear version, flaccid version, etc.)? That would be cool :) (i hope you can understand, english isn't my motherlanguage)


That’s a great idea. Thanks for the suggestion!

No, I thank you for your amazing game and i can't wait for CG for my Nazir puppy <3

How do i get Zed's CGs?


Zed doesn’t have any CGs yet. We’re working to get the first one complete. It will hopefully be in the next update. Thanks!

I love how you've written the characters, they are all so wonderful in their own ways! Razix has to be my favorite route tho~ The game is looking more and more amazing with every update. I look forward to what's to come next~

Deleted 4 years ago

If you hit the Menu button in the upper right corner, you should be able to hit the Save button to open the save page. You then choose a Save slot to actually save the game.

Use the numbers or arrows at the bottom of the save/load page to switch pages of save games.

The game also automatically saves periodically, and those are available in the "A" page on the Save/Load screen.

How do you get the CGs? I completed the story with Razix, but didn't get his.

Ok, I figured out what was going on here.

Razix actually has two sex scenes with Yoshi, in Chapter 6 and Chapter 10.

If your choices bypass that first time in Chapter 6, at the end of the story, you'll get that one instead of the second scene. And the first sex scene doesn't have a CG yet.

To get the first scene, you'll have to have oral in Chapter 5, otherwise you get the oral scene in Chapter 6.

Btw, I heard there is a scene where you top Razzi... please tell me there is a CG coming for that!!!

Got the CGs for Kol and Razix. I can't wait to see Zed's and Nasir's.

(1 edit)

definitely not enough raz love in these comments ❤️ he's definitely my favorite so far, i love how sweet and silly he can be besides the horniness lol


I love writing him because he is funny. My hope is when people play his route they see there is a little more to him than jokes and horniness 😊

I seriously can't wait for more. I enjoy this game so much

Thank you so much!


I can't wait to see what happens next.  I hope their is more with zed. But this is still a very great game 


Hey Rob! This update is amazing! Thank You for such experience! Thanks to all of your crew (music,cgs,artworks etc.). Music in Doc's lab is outsatnding too... I just can't get enough of your hardwork... It really brightens up my day, thank you for that once again! I have a question though, are you planning to add some space easter eggs like ringworld or dyson sphere when they are on the way to space station? It's just a question and kinda of suggestion. But anyways great work! I'm looking forward to Doc's route and all CGs. Good luck with that and good luck to all members of your crew. You are doing amazing job!

Thank you so much! I'll be sure to pass on your praises to the rest of the team.

I do hope to add some space based CGs in the future, so I'll think about what we can do there.

I don't think i've ever fallen for a fictional character as hard as i fell for Zed, i literally started crying the moment the credits came up T---------T WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME MR ROB COLTON!?!?!?!!?
Best vn i've ever played hands down!, can't wait for Doc's route ^^ 

Thank you! I'm glad to hear you love Zed 😊

(2 edits)

is it possible for you to update it so we can date the doctor or the engineer guy,  that would be amazing. 

Update to version 0.80 and you'll be able to date Nasir the engineer. Doc isn't ready yet, but he's next.

<pwa data-pwa-id="pwa-934AEB0487D7004EA5922F40A6D814AB" data-pwa-rule-id="SIMPLE_SPELLING" data-pwa-category="spelling" data-pwa-hint="Unknown word: Omg" data-pwa-suggestions="Mg~Om~Org~Ong~Og" data-pwa-dictionary-word="Omg" class="pwa-mark pwa-mark-done">Omg</pwa> YAY thank you for replying, love the game<pwa data-pwa-id="pwa-9083B95D1006B576D9D4D5F96E7DFCB1" data-pwa-rule-id="WHITESPACE" data-pwa-category="grammar" data-pwa-hint="The punctuation mark '.' may not require a space before it. Consider removing the space." data-pwa-suggestions="." data-pwa-dictionary-word=" ." class="pwa-mark pwa-mark-done"> .</pwa> keep it up 

For some reason I can't get Nasir's route. Am I doing something wrong?

Obvious question--- did you download the update?

I did. I've done Kol's, Razix's, and Zed's story but every time I try to get to Nasir I don't get an option to sit next to him. 

Huh, that's something. All I do is download the new files and replace the old. Hopefully someone else can find you a solution. Sorry, bud. 

You don’t need to sit with Nasir. You get the actual choice after the breakfast scene.

Thanks for telling me. I had a brain fart for not remembering that part.

I've tweaked that part of the game a bit so it's a little clearer. It'll be in the next update.

That was definitely something, I am so happy that I played this game, also Zed's route is the best!! <3  

Thank you for this game, it made me feel happiness and love, and I am happy that Yoshi has the person he always dreamed of ^_^

I will keep in touch with this project for later updates, and other cool things, I am definitely a fan :)

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I love the update and Nasir's route. Looking forward for more final art for Kol and Razix, plus Zed and Nasir. And question, when is Doc's route going to be released?

I'm going to start working on Doc, but it will probably be a couple of months.


Nasir route is by far my most favorite one.


I love him so goddamn much, even when he treats you like shit (for understandable reasons) in Kol's route, I couldn't help but still want him back then. He's just so commanding, dominate, claims you as his property, you're his, you belong to him. Or when he gets jealous of others looking at you in a sexual way, how he's so quick to verbally defend you and physically protect you from harm. I knew the scent fetish was coming cause even in other routes he has sweat stain on his wifebeater so its a given but damn y'all went all out with it yessss <3

now a minor nitpick, I've noticed in all the routes outside of Kol's, he's still the one that's there to defend you from that pirate rapist. I kinda wish that who ever's route you're on would do that instead of it always defaulting to Kol.

I'm glad you liked it! I know the scent thing is a turn off for some people, so I made it optional, but I knew some of us would dig it!


This is so exciting! Nasir is the best. I was wondering if in the future new characters will be introduced? 👀


If you waiting the update and it's difficult for you to wait....  Human cargo is awesome :).
Why not read : the trilogy "galactic conspiracies" by rob colton too ;)

(yes it's a good price, you can take it. Cheap for 3 great story, real story, 3 real good book. I just finished this trilogy ;)


Et si vous attendez impatiemment les update de human cargo qui est un jeu vraiment cool :

Pour quoi ne pas lire : "galactic conspiracies" qui est disponible en français sur amazon mais aussi en fr sur d'autres boutiques pour ceux qui sont allergiques à amazon.
Vous pouvez aussi acheter cette trilogie ici et demander à "rob colton" la version ebook FR ;).

Ce n'est pas des petits ebook que vous regretterez d'avoir acheté. Mais 3 véritables histoires, Pas chez pour 3 histoires intéressantes, 3 livres captivant. 
(Je viens juste de finir cette trilogie ;) )

Deleted 4 years ago

I don’t  have a set schedule, but so far it’s been a big update followed by a smaller update. The next update is pretty big and will be available tonight!

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

It's available now!

I don't usually comment but I wanted to say that I really loved this. Kol's storyline was the best and if anyone's looking in the comments for order suggestions I would definitely play his last.


Love this game! Every character is perfect ! Thanks for creating this game ! :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi Rob! I just wanted to share my thanks for developing such a great game. Visual Novels are way harder to develop than most people think, so I just wanted to let you know that your efforts have not gone unnoticed. Even though the game is unfinished there's a strong amount of polish and care present in the work! 

In particular I enjoy how layered each character is. Most writers don't get beyond the initial baggage a character has. Each of the suitors on the Barakai is a highly-motivated individual who has been shaped by their experiences in the world around them. That seems obvious, yes, but it's actually a pain in the ass to flesh characters out that well in such a short amount of time, so kudos to you for doing so! You've made a Patron out of me :) 

PS: Zed's route was my favorite so far. I'm a sucker for big protective guys I guess. Who know? 

Hello Rob! I really love the game so far and I see everyone is asking about routes. This time will be different. My question is about soundtrack of your game. Is there any place I can listen to them besides in-game? Keep up good work buddy!


The composer eerron will be setting up the soundtrack online I believe after the tracks are finished. I’ll be sure to post when it goes live. I’m so happy to hear you enjoy the music and I’ll be sure to let him know!


Just felt the need to say that I played through and frankly it was superb. Excellent excellent storyline . Honestly after playing through Kol’s route I actually felt a connection with the character. Really felt like I was in the game rather than an observer!


Thank you so much!! 😁

Love the game so far! <3 
I'm done with Zed's path and I'm halfway through Razix's. I'm curious tho -- will Doc be a possible romantic option? Probably not but I do love my adorable nerds.


I plan on starting Doc when Nasir is finished, so yes you will be able to romance him!

That's awesome! Looking forward to both of their storylines!

If only Zed could be real... 
Translations planned for the game ? I'm French and I spend a lot of time on google translate during the game ahah

I really love this game ! :)

Merci beaucoup 😁 Once the game text is completely scripted, I'll look into have it translated.

Awesome game so far. Just one question, is there any way I could get a link/copy of the song that plays during a lot of Raz's route?

I'm so glad to know you like the music! Eerron will eventually make the soundtrack available on his website when it's complete. I'll be sure to post when that happens.

Umm, this isn’t connected to anything but I really need an answer, how do you unzip/download a game from here?! I can’t download anything in my iPad.😢

Unfortunately, you can't play the game on iPad. I hope to work on an iOS version in the future, but it would require censoring the images because Apple doesn't allow nudity in their apps.

Aww, ok thanks. (○゚ε゚○)

Umm, I'm just curious, how often do you update the game?? ฅ'ω'ฅ


I'd like to do a release once a month, but it depends on what's finished and ready to go. Thanks :)

Oh, ok, love the game btw, keep up the great work.ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

I don't want to spoil you but, razix is actualy the best boi imo! He ranked S in my waifu tier list >:3 And u will love him more if u played him 'right' 😉


Oh, I played him 'right'. 😉

is the doc going to get his own route?

Yeh, Rob Colton said that after Nasir's route he will do doc's next, it's in the previous comments hehe..

just wondering when is Nasir's route coming?


I hope to finish his story end of July/start of August.

I swear to God Nasir will catch these fucking hands if he doesn't shut up sometime soon. He's so goddamn annoying and immature.


Turns out he is nearly not as much of a douche when you're romancing literally anyone other than Kol. Good to know.


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