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I absolutely loved this game. My personal favorite route was Nasir's. The storyline for the most part was the same for each route but certain details were unique so it didn't truly feel like you were playing the game over and over again when you chose a different route. My only complaint was how short the game felt. Each time I finished a route I felt a bit disappointed however, while playing I thoroughly enjoyed it and hope that one day soon a sequel will he coming out!

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I was definitely going for different experiences with each route and I'm happy that came through!


How much we do we need to donate to get a sequel? :D


I so loved this game. The only route I did not feel was Nasir(not my cup of tea). Others are really sweet(personally I prefer Raz or Zed, they are romantic when you get to know them). I got feelings of nostalgia and didn't know  why, but at last I remembered book I read where there is stowaway mechanic on ship who mates captain so Im gonna read it again.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm glad you enjoyed Razix. He comes in strong, but he's really just looking for love.

(1 edit)

For some reason I can't get the razix image artwork

Hi I also haven't got it first time. You have to make love with him before attack from pirates (so just reciprocate his advances)


First of all,  thank you so much for putting this wonder into the world! I was just wondering if  there is a way to be the middle man in the scene with Nasir and Razix in the locker room. Any tips or tricks? Again,  thank you! You rock!

Sorry, that's not an option 😁


wow, i really love how this game turned up, i xas gracefully surprised by how cool the story was, my favorite route for now is clearly Zed, the big and sweet giant ! i hope to see more games of you in the futur and/or a sequel to this vn ! ^w^

Thanks so much! 😊

I've notice something in the end of kol's ending, right after the sex scene before the credits, when they talk you see yoshi and kol dressed up and right after there back with nothing on.

Really good game by the way!! Love it!!😁

thanks, I’ll look into that!

(1 edit) (+1)

omg... i've just been playing for a "few" hours... still exploring my 1st route - Razix - and i'm so in love with this game! it managed to do what neither fav series nor other games nor 3d drawing managed lately: totally get me out of time & space (no pun intended), this is the kind of game where you suddenly realize night has fallen without you noticing, you have no idea what time it is, and your stomach is growling because you probably skipped a meal... usually i can't even watch an episode without getting hyper and doing 3-4 other things in-between, but here i was caught for hours in a row, so cool! i could forget all the many sad and stressful things that have been dragging me down all those last months, particularly the last (like the rest of the planet...) and totally stop THINKING. i really needed that! thank you!

the design of the backgrounds is awesome! as are the interface bits or the map. the characters are nicely done too, with and particularly... without clothes on, lol. i like what i've seen from their personalities, they complement each other well. the overall plot is thrilling and very packing. poor Yoshi really needed to have this *thing* happen so he could meet them. i can't say much about routes since i'm still playing the 1st one, but i have fun interacting with my chosen mate and the rest... the hawt parts are just great, they come at the right moment, early enough but not immediately, and the bods of Yosh/the hunk i've picked were nice eye candy <3

and last BUT not least, actually it's what i like over all, is the SOUND. i think it's what helped plunge me into the zone somehow, i could listen to it for hours, even without the game! it's hypnotic. and i'm the type who usually lowers down the sound in VN to a murmur or even switches it off when it's  to not my taste. but here, i wish i had this as a track to listen to...

all in all, it's a scifi VN and it makes honor to the genre - i really feel in space somehow ^^

a huge bravo to all who co-created this fabulous game! it's been offered to top it all, but it's worth a lot, it's been made very well.

i don't do patreon (a pain with a d-card!), and right now i'm absolutely, really broke and can't even go out to recharge my d-card, prolly not for months.. the way things look atm :( - but i won't forget you, at some point i'll be able to somehow drop what you deserve in here or so...

EDIT: aaah, checking on eeron i realized the sountrack CAN actually be bought.. magic! ^__^ (hopefully still in a few months)


Thanks so much for the kind words. It means a lot and I’ll be sure to relay your message to everyone who helped me make the game. ❤️


Would I being asking too much for a Phestur's route? xD


Whew child that poly route with Nasir and Kol

Good evening, I really liked your game! And I would like to do its translation into Russian, how do you feel about this?

I'd love to work with you on this! :)

ow, it's nice~ 

i'm glad ^^

true, I'm just starting to do all this)

Send me an email at robcub32 at yahoo dot com and we can discuss it.


Wow, the Kol, Nas & Yoshi poly route is probably my favorite so far! I wish there was a bit more kink like in Nas' route tho! that would've made it perfect 😩


That's awesome. I did it more as a fun surprise alternate ending, but I'm glad to know people like it!


How do you get all of the The in the game especially #7 #15 #20 and # 21

I love it so much!


Great game from the couple of routes I've tried, recommend it :).  Would be nice if there were a way to hide textbox on Android to see the CG art since half of it is covered up


That’s a good suggestion! I’ll see what I can do for the next update!


How do I unlock the new Kol CG from 0.96?

The new CG event occurs in the latter half of Kol's Chapter 5, in the galley, when Yoshi goes to make Kol coffee.


Definitely one of my favorite VNs. Art style is great and the story is very captivating with all characters. 

Call me weird but I wish Doc would come up with some strange way for Yoshi to have Zed's puppies. He is so into having a family I feel kinda sad. 

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Check out Rob's trilogy "Galactic Conspiracies" set in the same universe.  Something tells me you'd enjoy that story line a lot from this comment... ;)


Love the game story, love Zed's scene, hope there will be more scene for him <3 :)


Hope you continue this after it's finished love zed alot would love for it to continue

who are the tops in the game and it there a route with the doctor

I think all can be on top. Zed, Captain Kol and Nasir is on top for shure, if you play that way. 

Yeah, Kol, Zed and Nasir are top only. Razix and Doc might give you the option, depending on how you made choices. Doc is available in Version 0.90 or later.


how do i get the kol twist with nazir?


You should play the Kol route, but then avoid getting physical with him (don’t kiss him in the med  bay and don’t let him shower with you.

When Nasir confronts you in the galley, you’ll get a menu that has three choice options. One of them leads to the alternate ending. One will lead to the airlock. The other will continue on with Kol’s story.


Done everything this way and it worked out. Will there be more story after this game is done. It makes me thrilled at the end to keep on playing. So far I have finished with  all characters and everything ends the way like game will continue at some point of time. 

To developer:

¬Don't want to be rude but old shopping center matched game much better. 

¬Sometimes dialog pictures glitch out for me and two show at the same time. 

? Is there any way to hide dialog box on android without external controller? 

Otherwise great job on this game. 


This game was awesome! I don't usually like scifi/space themed ones (this is actually the only one Iv'e liked so far) but I saw a picture of Raz when I was scrolling past and just had to try it. His was definately my favorite though I so agree with JFDragoncar in that I wish Raz's route had more detailed scenes. Kol was also just too crappin cute. The teddy bear type works well when done correctly and this was definately done well. I'm not really interested in Zed's route but I would be if he were a wolf or fox and not a cow. Nasir is not my cup of tea either. I'm probably going to play Doc's route but I'm not really sure. He kinda looks like a lame 40 year old dad with that mustache but he seems sweet and nerdy which is usually the type I play first. But the mustache haha. Anyways the story was great, detailed, and really sucked you in at points. The artwork was great as well. I loved this game. You guys rule, thank you for making a great game! :)

I’m so glad to know I was able to get you to try some sci fi. That’s awesome!

Nasir is a little hardcore and not for everybody. Give Zed a try, though. He’s a favorite of many. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.  😁

I don't mind his personality really. He just has way too much hair for my taste haha. I read a few of the other comments about Zed though and now I think I might actually play his as well. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my comment. :)

As I se it Zed is not a cow (female). If we look at his physiology he must be a hybrid / mix between a bull and a K9, maybe a wolf or a husky, and a body like humans. 

Zed has horn like a bull, ears like a dog with pointed ears. He have a broad snout / mussle that may be a mix between bull and K9. 

He also have a knot that will grow, just as it does with K9's. The only difference is it only grow if he gets imprinted. 

Maybe you will like him better if you think of him this way? Like he does have genes from K9 and therfore might be a wolf hybrid. 

I might be wrong of course, but it is my analysis of Zed's psychology. If we compare to known species on earth. 

No disrespect, but a cow is female and a bull is male. Both of them is cattle. 

Zed is my favourite. I do like the others quite a lot too. 

I think he's a hybrid as well. I just don't really like that part of said hybrid is a bull ( I know males are called bulls but I was lazy so I used the word cow as a general term because people don't usually specify ) specifically because of the nose and the horn shape. I know I'm just being picky so, based on everyone's comments and how good they made his route sound, I'll probably end up playing. It anyway. :)

Hehe. Ok. 

Hope you'd like him if you give him a try.  

Happy reading 👍

(3 edits)

I love the games i was just expected a little more picture with the scene but it still quite good. I was curious about all Caracthere and my favorite is Razix so lovely i love that one i would love to be with him in real life… I like kol he such like serious guy bot sentimental behind that and nasir it nice too i like daddy of course….      Zed it quite fun too it like nothings get him really angry like a pet who like to play.  

I find how be in the middle between two characther ans is hot!


I’m glad you enjoyed it. We have more artwork to come, slowly but surely!

Can i ask you how I can have the picture where Yoshiro being a slave by the bad guy? i try so hard different choice and i d'ont find wich way to take?


At the beginning of the story, you shouldn't talk back to your uncle. Then when Phestur arrives, don't fight or talk back to him.

Once you're on the ship in his quarters, wait and see what happens instead of trying to escape. Then when the airlock explodes, don't escape through it.

You should then get captured.

Thank you very much i had never thinking about the beginning choice i was felt like nothing really change but now got the last piece I really enjoy the games.

How T-T

translated into Spanish please

I can’t promise anything, but I would love to have translations of the VN made available. 

Deleted 2 years ago

The artist is currently working on a Kol/Yoshi CG. There probably won’t be any further Phestur art added though.


This is a masterpiece.

I Laughed, almost cried. Do really wish for a longer story or a Human Cargo 2, 3, 4, 5 to infinity if possible?

Love to se how the story unfold in the back story to all the characters, wisit their home world and family if it fits their stories ond so furt when they work and are close to their home world. 

Do they meet other pirates on their journey? What about their xxx life? Basically more of the same. 

My favourite is Zed, his story moved me, and he is my dream man, if he could be real. So now I have a dream to be kidnapped by a alien and rescued by Zed and his crew / family. 

Also loved Capitan Kol. Especially the storyline with the twist, Nasir in his quarters. 

What about a VN about The Degan Paradox? I did get the e-book on Google Play and it would be much better as a VN because I lack imagination, but the story is fantastic. 

Love your work. 


Thanks so much for your kind words. I’m glad you enjoyed the VN, as well as the Degan Paradox!

Deleted post
Deleted post

The game (and its related book series)  have references and inspiration from a lot of sci fi series al mashed together. 😛

(1 edit) (+1)

I just finished Zed's story and I loved it. I wished it was longer. Do you know if you could make the stories longer?? Also loved the!!!


Would it be possible if you guys made a sex scene with the pirate?


I feel evil for also wanting this XD


Happy New Year indeed! This was such a great update. I just love seeing this game continue evolving and getting better. Great work and Thank you!


Hey Rob, what a game¡¡¡¡ i really love it¡ have you planed any aditional side routes? do you have  plan for another VN?  Maybe something about Martan Drago? or a second part for Human Cargo?

Grettings from Mexico

I second that.


O.M.G that twist you put at the end of Kol's route surprised the fuck out of me. =]] Doc's route was lovely as he is my absolute sweetheart. Will definitely donate again soon as you fucking deserve it!

what twist? ;)

(3 edits) (+1)

DUUUUUDE, I've just finished the game and i'm speechless. thank you for creating such masterpiece! I had a love line with Razix and he was gorgeous and soo lovely(Btw i'm afraid that i fell in love with him in real life lol).  Now i'll 100% try them all:)  All the characters are well-made, they are very interesting to explore. The plot of the story is really well-written, i couldn't stop playing to explore it. I'll surely donate you soon when i have opportunity, because u really deserve it. My only wish was to get more sex/romantic images during the dialogue, but i fully understand that they take too much time to create(Moreover, the main thing is the plot and it is great as i have mentioned). I hope u will make this game only better <3


Thanks so much! I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed it, and I hope you like the others just as much as Razix! 😁

I absolutely love this game! Have you thought about adding cgs of Yoshi and the boys kissing/other important moments? Also Doc’s route was one of the cutest things ever. He’s such a sweet character. Looking forward to his cgs! 


try more paths... you'll see that everyone has a cute story :)

(3 edits) (+2)

I did them all! I really love all the guys! Kol’s route shows the gentle side of the big guy, and out of all the characters the one I just want to give a cuddle the most is Zed, and not just because of his fluff. It broke my heart to see his backstory. Actually all their stories are kinda sad. Poor Doc too.

Yeah! Zed's story does touch me personally because I've been there... And he is so damn adorable!


Thank you so much! I’m getting the next release ready, which features the final love scene CGs for Doc. After that, we will be starting CGs for some of the major events! 

I know this is crazyyyy but I fell IN LOVE TO RAZIX. Uhh!! What am I going to do?? Like he always come up in my mind nd it really hurts my heart if I don't play the game😭😭😭. Congrats to all the makers of the game but I am having a hard time this time... I hope it will not last😂😂


I'm having literally the same feeling but with Zed instead... :D

I’m glad you love Razix. He is glad too 😛 I enjoyed writing him. He’s funny and is over the top flirty. And while he appears shallow, he does have a deeper side as you find out.

Uhhh if Razix is real I will marry him as soon as possible. Ahahahahahaha!!I love his mommy's boy side and flirty, green minded but loyal? Uhhhhh where can I find those.?? Only Razix has a trait like that. Congrats Maker!! Looking for a sequel with Razix.😂😬

Have you seen the Razix and Chill fan game? It's a sexy little clicking game featuring our favorite pilot. Check it out!


Thank you for making this game it's literally one of the best games I ever played I have a crush on Zed tho... When I finished the game I was so sad :D He's such a nice pup with good heart <3


same here, i never considered myself furry but zed is just something else


Yeah I can relate... I don't know why, but somehow I just love Zed's storyline I want to hug him so much :D


Go Zed fanbase!


Zed is definitely a fan favorite. He was great to write for because he’s everything I want in a man 😝

I love this game it has such an interesting story, and the CG is so good too. I can't seem to find 12 and 13 though no matter how many times I play through the story. Maybe I'm just not getting the right combination of choices.


For Razix's CGs....


Razix actually has two sex scenes with Yoshi, in Chapter 6 and in Chapter 10. Well, three if you count the oral scene in Chapter 5.

Only the Chapter 10 scene has a picture CG right now. The Chapter 10 scene is written as a more intimate, loving scene.

To get the first sex scene, you'll have to have oral in Chapter 5, otherwise you get the oral scene in Chapter 6 and will miss the end CG. When asked, you should help him pack (do not tell him to stay behind).

Once you get to Chapter 10, if you haven't already had sex, you'll get the sex scene you missed in Chapter 6 (which doesn't have a CG yet). 

And to get the option to top Razix, you have to have already had sex before Chapter 10, BUT also you should have told him you loved him when that option comes up. 

Thank you so much. I can’t wait to see more of your work in the future. This has such a good story.

Deleted 4 years ago

I think the character roster is set, but I would like to keep adding CG artwork for the major events.

(1 edit) (+1)

I can't believe I posted that! I don't even remember doing it, guess I was having a tired stupor sorry! I try to aviod my computer or any device I communicate on while like that, but at times I mistep. 

Your game really is work of art, when I have more time I will be going through the other paths. Zed's was great  I was very moved by it, I have no doubt the others will be the same. Looking forward to more from you in the future! 


Thank you. I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it. I love all the boys, but I have a soft spot for Zed. 😊

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